We headed out Saturday at 9:00 am, North to Titusville for the Dixie Crossroads cruise. On board were Chris, Susan, Park, and her friend, Jamison. Winds were light and from the East at about 9 knots. We motor sailed all the way. Past the Addison Bridge we picked up a couple of dolphins and they played in our wake for about an hour. The girls hung their feet over the side and let the dolphins splash them as they went by. It was fun listening to them giggle. I think the dolphins enjoyed it too. They would turn over on their sides in order to eyeball the girls, then they would splash them with their tails. I am sure that there splashes were intentional.
We got to Titusville municipal at about 1:00 pm, tied up to C dock and plugged on the ac. Whew! It was hot, hot, hot. There were 7 other ECSA boats that were staying in the marina. We helped them tie up as they arrived, chatted a bit, then showered and headed to Dixie Cross roads for dinner. Chris and I both ordered the usual: two dozen rock shrimp, broiled. Yummm, just like baby lobsters. We walked back to the marina, stopping at a bait shop on the way. There we picked up 1/2 dozen live bait shrimp. The girls took turns holding the shrimp baggie. By the time we arrived at the marina the shrimp were nearly dead after being poked and prodded by tsquealinging ten year olds. We baited the girls' poles and after 1/2 hour of catching/releasing catfish they tired of fishing and we decided to go for a dingy ride. The water was lit up with fairy dust (bioluminescencense) and the girls hung their heads over and watched the sea life scatter underneath them. The trip back to Harbor Town on Sunday was uneventful. We gave the iron genny a workout by motoring the entire way. Our engine hours are now up to 11!