Sunday, Aug 5, 2007 LaLeLu leaves her slip for the first time since returning from our epic two-week journey to nowhere and back. Even at 9:00 am it was clearly going to be a hot day. Almost too hot to move, but we didn't let that stop us. We ventured out Port Canaveral and bobbed like a cork under barely a whisper of wind. We weren't the only ones out there. Shamelessly flaunting the addiction that afflicts every sailor, there were others in search of a little wind with which to fill their sails. The wind Gods finally took pity on us. Gradually, almost imperceptibly at first, a nice breeze began filling our sails. It built to 14 knots and LaLeLu skipped along on a nice beam reach. Enjoying absolutely everything and doing absolutely nothing I rested my head on the cushion of the port settee and hung my legs over the cockpit coaming. I listened with one ear to the rush of water against the hull, and with the other ear to Jimmy Buffet. I picked up on some lyrics. I've heard them many times but never paid them much attention until this day - the day when I proclaimed them to be profound. Seems Jimmy bought a watch with no numbers and no hands. This watch simply says "now." Some might think perhaps the watch is broken, but Jimmy thinks the watch works just fine. I understood he was telling me to find a blessing in every day and don't take time for granted. In times when things are going wrong, his advice is simple: "Breathe in, breathe out, and then move on." I am thinking how paradoxical - we master the keeping of time, only to become its slave. "Brrmmppp, Brrrmmmppppppppp" - I am jolted out of deep thought by the cruise ship horns. I know instinctively that it is 4:00 pm - regretfully, time is still my master and it is telling me it was time to go home. Like obedient children, back through the locks, down the barge canal and into our slip we go. I am resolved – and only just a bit sad, for I know that new adventures are just around the corner - of that, I am certain. Life is good. Drink it up.