Monday, June 18, 2007

Ebbing Tide - Lessons Learned/Earned

One thing that we "mastered" on our "Not the Bahamas" trip was how to enter or exit almost every inlet on an ebbing tide with an opposing wind. We now completely understand the reason for the warning in our guide books about trying to traverse an inlet when you have a strong ebb combined with a strong opposing wind. We almost grew accustomed to crawling up and down big mountains of water in order to clear the inlet. Once clear of the effect of the ebbing tide, we still had fairly big seas to contend with and that nasty, persistant 20-25k East wind. On our departure day, as we left Ft. Lauderdale heading for Miami, we were treated to the ebbing tide/east wind effect both coming and going. The picture above was taken coming in to Governmwent Cut over Chris' shoulder. This is not a camera trick - the waves coming in to Govt Cut really were 8' - 10'. Yikes!

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