Yeah, I know, they look cute and innocent in the photo, but looks can be deceiving. We have been taking Roxie and Neko with us on the weekends to the boat. They seem to enjoy going, but sometimes they do really wierd things. Neko is the worst offender. On our trip up the Indian River from Cocoa a few weeks back, Neko tried to escape. Or at least that's what we think he was trying to do. We were putting up our mainsail, and thus, pre-occupied at the front of the cockpit. The dogs had been lounging about on the cockpit seats as they usual do when we are underway. When we got the sail up, I heard a strange clicking noise behind me. Turning around I saw Neko standing in the dingy, which was hanging from our davits off the back of the boat. Ok, I will admit, this was kind of cute and silly, but what if he had fallen off the boat! He would have been fish food. Then, this past weekend, he tried a new trick: Jumping off the boat while it is at the dock. Somehow, he was able to make it onto the dock - but again - what if? Another wierd thing he has been doing is trying to roam in the middle of the night. We have been putting the pin boards in to stop him from getting out of the boat at night. This doesn't desuade him. He will climb up the companionway and sit up at the top step. Sometimes he falls down and we awaken to the sound of furry paws desparately trying to grab onto something. Sometimes he justs sits at the top step and makes a moaning sound. He is so strange.
Roxie does not try any death defying acts, as she is not quite as brave (ie, stupid). She is pretty content to just lounge around and does not have the overwhelming need to roam like her buddy does. Her worst habbit is running to the bow of the boat and barking at everyone that goes by.
Oh well, it's a good thing they are so cute.
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