It's been a long time since the last post. Depression does not make for good blog entries. The short version is: Joe Hall of Marine Medic, Cocoa Fl, improperly installed the raw water intake to our new Tides Shaft Seal (directly into the dry exhaust manifold instead of into the raw water system), which caused water to back fill into our cylindars and hydro-lock our engine. Joe Hall did not want to beleive that he had caused this problem, so the boat sat for 3 weeks with salt water in the engine, while we head butted him and finally found another mechanic. Marc Eiler of Marine Pro knew instantly when I explained the problem what Joe Hall/Marine Medic had done. The boat was hauled out again mid July and the engine was pulled shortly thereafter. The damage to the engine was extensive. Also, the running gear installed by Joe Hall was crooked and needed to be pulled/re-set. A battle against Joe Hall ensued, and it looks like we are now in agreement on a resolution with Joe Hall's insurance company. The big question now is whether to rebuild or put in a new engine. Both options have their pros and cons. With any luck, we will be back in the water in less than a month. (If you are listening, please, Gods! Take pity on us!)

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