On the road again! "Girls, assume your positions (on the bow)." After a few hours of playing on the beach, we decided it was time to mosey on. We did a quick visit to the other ECSA boaters in the anchorage. Our buds Donna and Jim just had an engine explosion, another boat was hard around, and still others were bumming us out with dire predictions of bad weather that would prohibit us from making our gulfstream crossing. We feared that bad mojo would close in on us so we had to make a move. Once again, we were headed south down the ICW. This stretch of the river has about 7 draw bridges that we needed to get through. It was Sunday, and we were full on, smack dab in the middle of the holiday weekend. To us that meant only one thing - more boats, more idiots. The water continued to get bluer, and the power boaters continued to get stupider.
When we rounded the corner into the Lake Worth Basin, just after the last draw bridge, we were absolutely shocked and dumbfounded. It was like a scene out of Girls Gone Wild. No one warned us - but we wouldn't have believed it even if they did. Ski boats and express cruisers were rafted up all around Peanut Island - about 15 boats deep in some places. In fact, you couldn't even see where the channel was. We gingerly maneuvered our 22 thousand pound boat around the mayhem, among the throng of horny guys driving boats who were more focused on their mating calls than on our approaching bow. We heard one hailing girls on the VHF Ch 16 - yelling out on the emergency/hailing channel for them to show their tits. With a few near collisions, a lot of yelling, and several blasts from the airhorn, we made it through the Armageddon of power boats.
Just south of the inlet we found a nice, quiet anchorage. (Read: No power boats or jet skis). After that frightening experience, we found comfort and salice in the sight of the masts in the approaching anchorage. "Ahhhh, honey, look - I see our people."
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