Now here is a sea tale that is no tall tale. It happened only a few days ago. You see, I've been inside the belly of the monster, and I am here to recount the woeful story.
The Monster of the sea has an insatiable appetite for sailors. On this particular day it snuck up on us unaware and swallowed us whole - boat and crew. Alive and confused we were thrown in every conceivable direction. The belly of the Monster was a dark and frightening place - pitch black except for momentarily blinding and searing flashes of fire that poured from her nostrils. We prayed not to see, because sometimes not seeing is better. That said, nothing visual could compare with the eerie sound of her rumbling innards, which sound was far more frightening than anything that could be seen.
There were other poor souls entombed along with us. With every flash of light I caught a glimpse of their helpless faces that mirrored our own despair - Their vessels likewise thrashing to and fro - Their cries for help met with no relief. All attempts to escape were in vain. Despite our best and valiant efforts to flee the walls of the Monster’s womb proved impenetrable.
Then, just as we were ready to surrender completely, she spat us out in the same venomous manner in which she took us in. Silent deals were made with Neptune as we gathered our wits and ran from her. The Monster taunted and chased us for miles. The rumbling of her belly was painfully present just over our shoulders. Her fingers pawed at our backs as spears of fire flew from her finger tips.
Never before have I run so hard and so fast - completely exhausted, but ever so painfully aware of the awful place inside her loins. Finally, the Monster tired of our cat and mouse and went away. Bruised and battered, but alas alive, we limped our way into safe harbor.
Look into my eyes as I tell you this story and you will have no doubt that it is the truth. In that ocean there lives a Sea Monster, the likes of which I hope never to see again.
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