Like the flip of a switch, just like that, the weather got nice. This weekend marked this year's turning point - Spring had arrived here in Central Florida. It went from 54 degrees last weekend to 80 (ahhhh) degrees this weekend. A play day was in order. Ron and Kristen V joined us for an excursion out the port, down the way a bit, and back. The girls saw a stingray and a few dolphins. It was Ron and Kristen's first trip out the port via boat, so they had a lot to see. I gave them the unforgetable experience of almost getting run over by the Carnival cruise ship that was leaving port. Once I figured out that the movement of the building sized boat was not my imagination, and did a hard to port maneuver, we sailed along side it. The girls stood on deck and waved like beauty queens to all the lucky passengers who were en route to somewhere really nice (I am sure). Once we got back to the marina, the girls rowed around in Mae, while the adults enjoyed an adult beverage in the cockpit, while repeatedly uttering involuntary comments such as "Man, it is so nice out today."

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